Friday, June 27, 2008

Where are the monsoons?

It's almost the end of June and it doesn't feel like the monsoons. It's hot and humid, when it's actually supposed to be raining cats & dogs. I don't like the rains so much.... but as long as I'm in doors with a cuppa coffee/chai I love the rains :-) But now? there is not a drop... On my way to work this morning it was freaking hot to the core. I was wondering whatever happened to those times when it used to rain for days together or just drizzle the whole day. I remember times when I used to make paper boats as soon as it rained, would let it float through the stream of water as i chase it to the end to see it go safely. Oh boy that was fun.... Today after a long long time I made a paper boat, thanks to my beautiful colleague :-) and guess what? They are just lying around in my car waiting for the rains. When will the monsoon season begin?

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